This rallying cry unites all 500 vignerons des deux rives de la Gironde.
Together we are Tutiac and are united by our love of life, wine, people, diversity and our cooperative fraternal spirit.
Our magnificent 5,400 hectare terroir has been patiently shaped by nature for thousands of years.It is one of the world’s most beautiful, diverse, rich, nuanced and surprising vineyards! It gives us everything we could possibly wish for because we have tended to itresponsibly for generations,with utmost respect for nature.
We make wines in a bold, obstinate style, driven by our never-ending quest for quality. nos vinsLively, genuine and refined, they offer unique pleasures to gourmets and enthusiasts worldwide, and represent all Bordeaux expressions and traditions from Blaye to Sauternes, Bourg, Fronsac, the Médoc and the Graves…
Tutiac encompasses all of the above , and all of us. It’s Bordeaux through and through !
Stéphane Héraud, President of Vignerons de Tutiac